1 maternity DNA test for up to 3 participants

1 child, 1 putative mother, 1 father (optional)

Costs: 149 (incl. VAT)
add. participant: 70 (incl. VAT)
The analysis comprises at least 21 DNA markers

Technically, a maternity DNA test can be compared to a paternity test. It determines the biological mother-child relationship.

A maternity test is less common than a paternity test just because the paternity is naturally more often in doubt than a maternity. Still, there are cases in which a maternity test can be usefull and desirable.

When would you need a maternity test?


Grown-ups who have been adopted as children may now search for their biologically relations. A maternity DNA test can determine the relationship between the a child and a putative mother.

In-Vitro fertilisation:
A maternity test can confirm that the embryo which was conceived through in-vitro fertilization was implanted into the correct mother.

Mix-up after birth:
You may suspect a mix up in the hospital nursery after birth. A maternity test can resolve such a situation and give a clear evidence if the putative mother and the child are biologically related.

Your assurance of quality

Highest Quality:

  • our lab is one of Germany’s leading forensic labs for DNA testing
  • we provide you with an extended, legally admissible DNA Report incl. a table showing the DNA profiles of all participants


  • paternity probability is calculated individually for each case by our scientists
  • our DNA reports are double-checked independently by two of our scientists (four-eye-principle)